Friday, 10 February 2012

Logic Model For 'NStep Eat Walk Live elementary school program.

For this assignment we were asked to complete a logic model for the program we will evaluate.  I found it interesting to complete the logic model being an outsider, and I wonder if it would be much different if it were completed by the program co-ordinators.
The model that I used did not include a section for inputs, but I think they are important to note.  The Inputs for this program include 'NStep staff, volunteers from university nursing and kinesiology programs, funds from corporate sponsors and teacher volunteer time.
Here is my logic model.

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Program Evaluation Planning

Program Evaluation Planning- 'NStep health promotion in schools

Engage Stakeholders

Who should be involved?

‘NStep coordinators and facilitators, ‘NStep Board of Directors, School District Health and Wellness Consultant, Participating school administrations and staff, students

How might they be engaged?
The various stakeholders will provide insight into their area of expertise for the ‘NStep program.  The coordinators and facilitators will provide information on their mandate for health promotion, and the school staff will provide feedback and direction on teaching best practice.  Students will provide information on how the ‘NStep program affected their knowledge and lifestyle choices. 

Focus the Evaluation

What are you going to evaluate?

The ‘Nstep program is a not-for-profit organization focusing on health promotion directly in the classroom.  The program provides nutritional and physical activity programming for students and teachers. 

What is the purpose of the Evaluation?

·      Measure the effectiveness and efficiency of the program
·      Measure the impact of the program
·      Possible program improvements
·      Measure buy-in to the program and improve the ability of ‘NStep to foster a cultural change within the school.

Who will use the evaluation? How will they use it?

‘NStep coordinators and facilitators will use the evaluation to assess current practices and to direct the future programming decisions of ‘NStep.  They will use it to better understand how to work with a school staff and to meet their needs. 
‘NStep Board of Directors will use the evaluation to assess the effectiveness of the program, and to guide funding and expansion decisions. 

School Administrations and staff will use the evaluation to make decisions regarding maintaining the ‘NStep program in the school, starting a ‘NStep program in their school, and working meaningfully with the ‘NStep coordinators in the school. 

What questions will the evaluation seek to answer?

Is the program effective in health promotion?

Do students gain healthy living knowledge, and are their lifestyle choices affected by, the ‘NStep program?

Which activities are the most effective?

How well does the current model of delivery work?

How could be the program become more thoroughly integrated into the culture of participating schools?

What information do you need to answer the questions?

Do students gain knowledge?
Surveys, food logs, anecdotal records of food and activity choices from students and teachers.
What activities are most effective?
Document review, surveys and testimonials from teachers.
Is the program effective in health promotion?
Surveys and anecdotes from teachers, students and facilitators
How well does the current model of delivery work?
Surveys and anecdotal feedback from students, teachers, administration, parents and facilitators
Integration of healthy culture in schools
Interviews with teachers and coordinators 

When is the Evaluation needed?
June 2012 to allow time for planning for the 2012-2013 school year.

What evaluation design will you use?

I will use Shufflebeam CIPP model.  The evaluation will be formative as the program will be continuing. 

Collect the information

What sources of information will you use?
Existing information
‘NStep website, ‘Nstep program materials, pre-test administered to students as part of the programming
Program coordinators and facilitators, administrators, teacher and student participants.

What data collection method will you use?

·      Surveys of facilitators and coordinators, participating school administrators, teachers and students
·      Interviews with select teachers, students and facilitators
·      Observation and Photos of lessons and activities
·      Document review of program materials

Instrumentation:  What is needed to record the information?
Surveys for each stakeholder group, template for collection and recording of photographic data, checklist for document review, interview questions.

Will a sample be used?
A sample will not be used as the program currently operates in a handful of schools in the city, therefore the evaluation materials will be made available to all participating schools. 

There will be no pilot testing. 

Analyze and Interpret

How will the data be analyzed?

·      Surveys responses will be recorded and charted to identify trends, improvements
·      Interviews and observation will be collated into a report, and trends will be highlighted. 

How will the information be interpreted—by whom?

The evaluator will interpret the information collected in the evaluation.  Once the initial interpretation is complete, the information will be shared with both ‘NStep coordinators and board members, and administrations in participating schools. 

How will the evaluation be shared?

Meeting with ‘NStep coordinators and Board of Directors to present the information collected in the evaluation and recommendations.

A copy of the evaluation report would be made available to participating schools and schools considering the program. 
The report will also be shared with the district Health and Wellness Consultant.